Grants and Funding — Communities In Partnership

Durham County Food Security Grant Opportunity 2024

Administered by Communities in partnership


Webinar Slides & Video

Communities in partnership is partnering with Durham county

Durham County and CIP are working together using the Equitable Food Oriented Development (EFOD™) framework to provide grant opportunities for community organizations to further support their food systems work. The EFOD™ framework has been created by the National EFOD™ Collaborative Committee of which CIP is a member organization. $400,000 in grants will be awarded. Grant amounts will vary based on the needs of the organization’s proposed project. The maximum amount for the grant will be $45,000 and the minimum amount is $2,500. Including a budget narrative in the application explaining the requested amount and any challenges related to the grant period will be imperative for selection.

To be eligible, an organization or project must:

  • Be a nonprofit with 501(c)3 status as determined by the IRS or is fiscally sponsored by a 501(c)3.

  • Be doing work that is happening and impacting communities in Durham County.

  • Be working to improve food security or the root causes of food insecurity.

    • Efforts to improve food security may include a wide range of strategies, including but not limited to direct food assistance, addressing economic security or stability, efforts to develop generational wealth, etc. Applicants must clearly make the connection between their work and its impact on food security in their applications.

 Funding preference will be given to organizations or projects that:

  • Demonstrate shared decision making with the community they propose serving, especially people who are most directly affected by food insecurity.

  • Are embedded/located in the community they plan to serve and have a history working in this community.

  • Prioritize the leadership of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities and other marginalized communities.

  • Collaborate or partner with other local organizations.

 Allowable expenses include:

  • Food (food gift cards are allowable if part of a larger project)

  • Transportation (e.g., mileage reimbursement, gas cards)

  • Materials and supplies (e.g., bags, waxed boxes, cleaning products)

  • Equipment (e.g., cold storage, freezer, shelving, hand truck, cart, tables)

  • Compensation or stipends for employees and key workers or volunteers

  • Technological resources (e.g., hotspot)

  • Staff time and expenses for reflection, strategic planning, and staff development

  • General operating support (e.g., utility, overhead, rent, etc.) is allowable, but cannot be more than 20% of the total budget

Example allowable expenses do NOT represent all the ways funding can be spent.

 Unallowable expenses:

  • More than 10% of budget on overhead to a fiscal sponsor or nonprofit receiving funding

  • Regranting funding to another organization

  • Lobbying

Application Opens: Friday, November 22, 2024

English Application ; Spanish Application

Application Deadline: Wednesday, January 22, 2024 3PM EST NOW CLOSED

**Applications will not be accepted by email or any other means other than the actual application provided. Application will go live at 10am 11/22/2024**

FAQ Contact:


CIP and Durham County Food Security Grant Opportunity 2023 Recipients


Communities in partnership is proud to announce our 2023 grant recipients:

Hawks Nest Healing Gardens

Healing with CAARE

Iglesia Episcopal El Buen Pastor

Iglesia La Semilla

People for Equity

Urban Community AgriNomics (UCAN)

LGBTQ Center for Durham

Community Empowerment Fund

Student U

Iglesia Presbitariana

Terreiro de Arte y Cultura

Bell Yeager FWB Church

Diaper Bank of NC

Hannah's Community Kitchen

St. Joseph African Methodist Episcopal Church (AMEC)

Urban Ministries of Durham

Walltown Neighborhood Ministries

Durham Technical Community College Foundation

Mount Calvary United Church of Christ Food Pantry

Durham Center for Senior Life

Southside Church of Christ

Antioch Builds Community